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Behaviour & Attitudes

Autism and behaviour in secondary school - Reachout ASC


Riseley Church of England Primary School believes that, in order to facilitate high quality teaching and learning, acceptable courteous behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life.

The school is committed to:

  • Encouraging a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within the school
  • Fostering positive, caring attitudes towards everyone where every child’s achievements, at all levels, are acknowledged and valued
  • Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority and creating strong, positive and warm relationships based on mutual respect
  • Promoting a culture of praise and encouragement in which all children can flourish
  • Creating a fair and consistent approach to behaviour and discipline throughout the school based on Values Education and positive behaviour reinforcement
  • Providing an environment free from disruption, violence, discrimination, bullying and any form of harassment.

Aims for behaviour

We have a number of practices and procedures in place that enable us to:

  • Support children to manage their own emotions and develop a positive sense of self.
  • Teach children to be respectful towards others
  • Ensure a positive-choices-based approach to behaviour is maintained throughout all parts of the school day and at anywhere they are identifiable as a pupil of the school, including when off site or on school visits
  • Celebrate achievements, good behaviour and attitudes
  • Build children’s self-esteem, resilience and capabilities in order to become confident and self-assured individuals
  • Ensure that all children and members of the school community are treated fairly, consistently and sensitively
  • Actively involve parents/carers and allow clear communication

Pivotal Education

At Riseley Church of England Primary School we use the principles of Pivotal Education. These principles or pillars underpin everything else that we do. The five pillars are as follows:

  1. Consistent, warm and calm adult behaviour
  2. First attention for best conduct
  3. Relentless routines and mantras used consistently throughout the school
  4. Scripting difficult interventions
  5. Restorative follow up

These underlying principles encourage a culture of positive behaviour reinforcement through the use of simple classroom rules that are easily understood and followed across the school. At Riseley we have 3 simple classroom rules: Be ready, Be respectful, Be safe. Respect in particular is the central theme of this policy.

  1. Be ready

          In order for children to meet the expectations of this rule they must:

  • Come to school and all lessons dressed appropriately i.e. in correct uniform with shirt tucked in and tie on
  • Come to school and all lessons with the correct equipment
  • Come to all lessons ready to learn and know what is required to ‘be ready to learn’.
  1. Be respectful

          In order for children to meet the expectations of this rule they must:

  • Respect everyone they encounter each day
  • Respect their own and other’s belongings
  • Respect other people’s opinions, even if they differ from their own
  1. Be safe

          In order to meet the expectations of this rule they must:

  • Act in a way that keeps themselves and others safe at all times
  • Take responsibility for their own actions

At Riseley Church of England Primary School we do not highlight poor behaviour through public humiliation, use peer pressure or punitive punishments to ensure that the simple rules above are adhered to. Children replicate what they see from the adults in school so, adult behaviour modelling is key to the success of our policy.


High Street, Riseley, Bedford, Bedfordshire. MK44 1DR

01234 708218