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All state schools are periodically inspected by Ofsted (The Office for Standards in Education). The length of time between inspections depends upon the grade that any school has received from their previous inspection. Schools that are judged as Outstanding or Good are usually not inspected again for 4 years (pre COVID). However, schools that are judged to be Requiring Improvement or Inadequate are inspected more frequently.

Ofsted will make judgements about schools in 5 main areas:

  1. Quality of Education
  2. Leadership and Management
  3. Behaviour and Attitudes
  4. Personal Development
  5. Overall Effectiveness

Schools that have Early Years or Sixth Form provision will also receive a judgement in those areas.

Riseley was inspected in March 2024 and was graded as GOOD overall with a judgement of OUTSTANDING for Early Years Provision.

The inspectors identified the following strengths:

  • Pupils enjoy coming to school
  • Pupils behave well and are respectful of each other
  • The early years curriculum is particularly strong
  • The school has a sharp focus on teaching pupils to read
  • Pupils are keen learners and behave well
  • The school is passionate about helping pupils attend school regularly



High Street, Riseley, Bedford, Bedfordshire. MK44 1DR

01234 708218