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The Riseley & Wilden Partnership

In September 2021, the Governing Bodies of both Riseley and Wilden Church of England Primary School entered into a partnership with the support of both the Diocese of St Albans and Bedford Borough Council. A permanent Executive Headteacher and Joint School Business Manager were appointed in September 2021.

The aims of the partnership are:

  1. To positively impact pupil outcomes in both schools through implementing agreed school improvement priorities that neither school can deliver alone
  2. To achieve economies of scale by evaluating current school systems and staffing models
  3. To examine ways to develop the partnership which may include seeking other partners

Partnership priorities 2023-2024

The priorities for the partnership for the academic year 2023-2024 are:

Priority 1 To deepen the current partnership and explore collaborative systems of monitoring ensuring that the education our children receive is the best it can be.
Priority 2 To ensure that the leadership and staffing structure across both schools supports a truly collaborative approach to school improvement
Priority 3

To continue to work with all stakeholders to ensure the financial security of both schools and further develop systems resulting in better economies of scale

Partnership Committee

The Partnership Committee meets every half-term to discuss the progress of the partnership against an agreed set of criteria to measure its effectiveness.

The current committee members are:

Name Role
Leigh Pointon Executive Headteacher of Wilden and Riseley Primary Schools
Lorraine Knight Chair of Governors at Wilden Church of England Primary School
Catherine Veitch Joint Chair of Governors at Riseley Church of England Primary School
Richard Carter Joint Chair of Governors at Riseley Church of England Primary School


High Street, Riseley, Bedford, Bedfordshire. MK44 1DR

01234 708218