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Sports Premium Funding

Morley Meadow Primary School - Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

The Government is providing funding of £320 million per annum for primary school sport. This funding is provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and will see money going directly to primary schools to spend on improving the quality of PE and School Sport for all their children.

We will measure impact through:

We will evaluate the impact of the Sports Premium funding as part of our normal self-evaluation. We will look at how well we use our Sport Premium to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sporting provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of. We will look at progress in PE as well as other areas of development such as self-esteem, confidence and the numbers of pupils involved in sporting activities in and out of school. Assessments are made both formally and informally using our school assessment systems as well as feedback from staff and visitors to the school. We will also evaluate the impact of professional development opportunities in improving teaching and learning in PE.
In short:

  • Informal and formal observations of the quality of planning, teaching and learning
  • Monitoring participation in clubs and school team participation
  • Working towards achieving the Sports Mark

What have spent our Sports Premium Funding on over the past 12 months?

  • Subscription to the Bedford School Sports Partnership providing children with the opportunity to participate in competitive sport
  • Playground Leader Training for Year 6 children
  • The purchase of new climbing equipment for children to use at break and lunchtimes
  • Subscription to Get Set 4 PE to enhance the teaching and learning of Physical Education
  • Purchase of Forest School equipment to deliver quality Forest School sessions to EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils
  • Sports and play equipment for our kids club provision to increase physical activity before and after school
  • Extension of extra-curricular provision including tennis club, cheerleading, football and basketball 

High Street, Riseley, Bedford, Bedfordshire. MK44 1DR

01234 708218